To start with, our mother planet Earth is great. Everyone can experience that. It just takes a walk out into nature keeping your aesthetics open – seeing the beauty with your eyes, enjoying the sun or rainfall with your skin, “listening to the silence” from nature, tasting the fruits, smelling the air, and feeling connected. We humans are not just part of this nature, we are nature.
(Modern) Economics starts with and is build upon the concept of “limited resources”. Without greed, without boarders, without vanity and jealousy, there is no such thing like “limited resources” on our mother planet Earth, even with 8.1 billion people living on it.
There is enough sunshine, there is enough water, there is enough food, there is enough shelter, there is enough for a healthy lifestyle for all of us, no matter what nationality, no matter what color of the skin or color of the hear, what gender, what age, what size, what religion. We are, basically very simple, all humans with a very basic primarily desire for love and being loved.
There is a better answer – global (direct) democracy
Let Russia invade Europe, let America build up its “holy island”, let China take over the “global leadership”. I would not be afraid because I have a better answer – global (direct) democracy.
Yes, what we currently see mainly from USA and from BRICS countries is about a new global order – so let us actually develop a good new global order with a true global perspective. Let us develop a “Global Democratic Republic” where European, American, Russian, Chines, African, Australian, etc. political concepts can get into a peaceful battle, a democratic competition about the best solution approaches with most possible direct democracy.
There is one point I share with Mr. Trump: (Old) democracies these days are afraid of voters, because intuitively they know, they have no proper solution concept for the current (global) crises. Most (old) democracies became symbolic (e.g. since 1945 there were only three referendums in Austria, the latest in 2013, 12 years ago), except from Switzerland.
Kamala Harris very often said within her campaign for the USA presidency: “We have to do something.” That is just not good enough Ms. Harris. Yes, we have to do something, and I can tell you what Ms. Harris: Work on global (direct) democracy people all over the globe actually involving within political decision making. And then work on global institutions, actually capable to carry out the will from the people.
Mr. Starmer, Mr. Macron, Ms. von der Leyen, I do very much appreciate your leadership for a strong Europe and your emancipation from the “Trump administration”. But what we actually need is a strong, healthy and vivid planet Earth, especially within the context of raising nationalism powered by trash & pop media (also called “social media”) and fast food culture.
With global (direct) democracy, with a “Global Democratic Republic”, there will most likely be peace & prosperity all over our mother planet Earth powered by a globalised and free economy taking care of efficient production & supply of plural products & services from all over the world within all over our mother planet Earth.
Sustainability, Mr. Musk, includes democratic policy-making, social justice, ecological compatibility, and economic performance.
We want global sustainability, thus we have to develop global democratic policy-making. Let us start with that today, Mr. Trump, let us make our planet Earth great (again), because, yes we can.
We ask for 0,01% of the military budget to actually work on global (direct) democracy
800 billion € only from Europe (a) for weapons against Russia or 800 billion € only from Europe (b) for global (direct) democracy. What is the better solution approach, what is the better politics, what will bring better (including peaceful) developments?
We ask for 0,01% of this budget – 0,08 billion €, Ms. von der Leyen, to actually work on global (direct) democracy, to work on a first concrete step towards a “Global Democratic Republic” with a first global direct democratic vote on climate action.
Picture is WordPress AI generated for “Global Democratic Republic”