We did a first rough draft, you also might call it a (heuristic) “theory”, on how global warming, climate change, and the loss of biodiversity looks like from a trans- & interdisciplinary perspective.

The story we tell with the scenarios effects the imagination and actions people take and we deeply hope, this horrifying scenario never actually comes true. Yes, please prove us “wrong”!
The future is certainly not predictable and we can impact our future with our actions based on our imagination. The current thinking and acting we see on global warming, climate change, and the loss of biodiversity will have significant impacts on humanity, we think very negative impacts.
We see a potential decrease of human population till the year 2100 to about 4 billion people (ca. minus 50%).
The question is, are we as humanity able to act anticipatory, forward looking, and with solidarity to the weakest before or after (the most probably) greatest humanitarian catastrophe in history and how can we speed up the transformation away from fossil fuel (coal, oil & gas) and meat production.