Democracy is pretty much the opposite of ideology. The concept “democracy” wants to best fulfil needs, wishes, and desires from all the people. So democracy wants to provide health, peace, and prosperity.
Linear concepts like “freedom” or “nationalism”, in whatever context (Russian freedom or nationalism, Ukraine freedom or nationalism, European freedom or nationalism, American freedom or nationalism, Chinese freedom or nationalism, Israel freedom or nationalism, Iran freedom or nationalism, etc.), demands exclusion or boarders. There is no “freedom” necessary without limitations, there is no “nationalism” possible without boarders. Whatever kind of propaganda demands a distinction and a distinction leads into discrimination. There is no “concept of the enemy” possible without boarders or distinctions. The “concept of the enemy” demands the concept of “freedom”. Within a healthy society needs, wishes, and desires are satisfied.
We have this dream of a healthy and thus sustainable society based on global (as much as possible direct) democracy, institutionalised within a (grass-roots) democratically legitimised “Global Democratic Republic”.
To reach this dream, we first of all have to continuously reflect the “boarders”, “distinctions”, and “discriminations” within our thinking. Observing without any judgment is certainly most difficult. It is not “capitalism” against “communism”. It is not “West” against “East”. It is not “freedom” against “suppression”. That kind of linear language is the start for conflicts and violence in our view and endangers democracy. Fundamentalism starts with the concept of “right” or “wrong”. Nationalism starts with the concept of “fear”. Linear economists boost that kind of concept of “fear” with the concept of “limited resources”. There is no such thing like “limited resources”. Our planet Earth gives us enough resources to survive, live satisfied, peaceful, and thus healthy together as long as we think and act sustainable. And we know, health first of all demands and depends on good social relationships.
The concept of a “hero” is a linear concept and demands a boarder, a distinction, a discrimination. Without a distinction, without a boarder, there is no potential “hero”. Killing some other person, in whatever context, is for a healthy person unimaginable, unthinkable, and inconceivable. And within a healthy society also any kind of force or violence (also the one against someone self – e.g. like suicide) is impossible.
To reach this dream of a healthy and thus sustainable society, we think, we need to “fight” for universal concepts according to the healthy needs, wishes, and desires of the people.
“Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being …”
World Health Organization (WHO) – extract from the constitution (
“Health” undoubtedly is a very complex concept. Thinking about an orientation or a direction for human beings, the concept of “health” is the best we could find and it is universal for all human beings in our view.
“Everyone has the right to life …”
Universal Declaration of Human Rights – extract from Article 3 (
Let us “fight” for balanced and universal understandings on how we can live together in the sense of a healthy society. Let us debate and discuss together in the best sense of democracy and think about, how we can destroy the boarders and distinctions, come together with creativity and plurality and work on the healthy fulfilment of needs, wishes, and desires based on a disciplined, conscious, and patient handling of our mimetic forces (greed, vanity, envy, jealousy, group-think).
Instead of pushing the differences between “nations”, let us see the similarities of the people, the strength of plural and collaborative solutions, and go into a (grass-roots) process of developing a “Global Constitution” based on the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” and based on a universal understanding of “health” (e.g. like the one from the WHO). Such an understanding of “health” includes the concept of contentedness, state of happiness, and satisfaction and is best understood as an ongoing process (Salutogenesis).
(Direct or grass-roots) democracy is within this context the best (of all the bad) concepts to actually legitimise these developments and democracy means first of all “one person, one vote”, no matter what gender, what religion, what wealth, etc. and we want to add, no matter what nationality. We are very convinced, this has the potential to develop global peace and prosperity without any fear and without the need for the “concept of the enemy”.
The “Russian Federation” is part of the “United Nations” and also singed the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights”. The development of a “Global Constitution”, also together with the “Russian Federation”, has the potential to solve the current ongoing conflicts and violence sustainably in our view.
The major challenges we face as a society at the beginning of the 21st century are global. Global warming, climate change, and the loss of biodiversity first of all (see graph: February 2024 warmest February on record globally, Climate reanalysis, Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), will not stop at boarders from national states. Violence, conflict, and competition between different ideologies will not mitigate the issue of potentially (not thousands, not millions, but) billions of people loosing their livelihood and/or their life.
We think, we need global collaboration and a (grass-roots) democratically organised development process according to the spirit from the development of the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights”. We think, the development of a “Global Constitution” can actually provide and support that kind of global collaboration and would be a significant step towards a healthy and thus sustainable society based on a “Global Democratic Republic”.